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Four standards for protective equipment for high-level biosafety laboratories, including the Chemical Shower Disinfection Device, were released.

Chemical Shower Disinfection Device" and "Live Toxic Sewage Treatment Device" led by China National Accreditation Center for Conformity Assessment (CNAC), "Life Support System for Biosafety Laboratory" and "Positive Pressure Bio-Protective Clothing" led by Institute of Health and Service Protection Technology, Research Institute of Systems Engineering, Military Academy of Sciences (RISES), and a total of 4 standards, all of which are formally issued on the official website of China Association for Standardization of Engineering Construction (CASEC), have been put into effect since June 1, 2024. June 1, 2024 onwards.

According to the requirements of China Engineering Construction Standards Association "on the issuance of the first batch of association standards development, revision plan in 2022" (Jianbiao Xiezi [2022] No. 13), the China National Accreditation Center for Conformity Assessment (CNCA) took the lead in the preparation of the "Chemical Shower Disinfecting Device", "Live Toxic Sewage Treatment Device", "Chemical Shower Disinfecting Device" and "Live Toxic Sewage Treatment Device", "Chemical Shower Disinfecting Device" prepared by Life Support System for Biosafety Laboratory" and "Positive Pressure Bio-Protective Clothing", which are compiled by the Institute of Health and Service Protection Technology, Institute of Systems Engineering, Chinese Academy of Military Sciences, are under the purview of the Professional Committee of Clean and Controlled Environments and Laboratories of the China Association for Standardization of Engineering Construction.

High-grade biosafety laboratories are facilities engaged in the operation of highly pathogenic pathogenic microorganisms, especially biosafety level 4 laboratories (level 4 laboratories) are the most important equipment of the country. Positive pressure biological suits provide a high level of protection for operators engaged in highly pathogenic pathogen activities, greatly reducing the risk of laboratory infection events. The life support system provides a pressure stabilized positive pressure maintenance air source for the positive pressure suit while providing clean air for the personnel inside the suit to breathe. Chemical showers effectively remove surface contamination from positive pressure biological suits to prevent the spread of pathogens. Live toxic wastewater treatment device is a high-level laboratory containing pathogenic microorganisms wastewater treatment of protective equipment, its performance directly affects the laboratory personnel and environmental safety.

After the new crown outbreak, China announced measures to modernize the disease prevention and control system, and will vigorously build high-grade biosafety laboratories. The Biosafety Law of the People's Republic of China clearly requires the State to establish and improve the biosafety standard system and establish a biosafety inventory system, including biosafety equipment. Therefore, there is an urgent need to formulate relevant standards for key protective equipment for high-grade biosafety laboratories to provide technical basis for product manufacturing, inspection, procurement and maintenance. The release and implementation of four key biosafety protective equipment such as positive pressure bio-protective suits is one of the important initiatives for the in-depth implementation of the biosafety law, which will effectively promote the improvement of the national biosafety standard system and will further improve the national biosafety governance capacity.

The Clean Controlled Environment and Laboratory Committee of China Engineering Construction Standardization Association makes continuous efforts to regulate the high-quality development of the industry and promote the collaboration and win-win situation of the industry.